
Cast & Crew THE OXOS Craig Reeves: bass, piano, percussion, drums & vocal Doug Wright: keyboards, guitar, vocal Marcel Rodeka: drums, guitar, vocal THE OXETTES Bailey Wiley: vocal Kylie Price: vocal Katie Mason: vocal & acoustic guitar OXO BAND John Meddings: electric & acoustic guitars, vocal Rob Burns: bass Graeme Perkins: keyboards, vocal Stevie Rice: saxophones Nick Le Brun: electric guitar GUEST ARTISTS Georgie Daniell William Davidson Dave Horizon Greg McLeod CREW Gordy Duff: Production Manager/ monitors Errol Head: Lighting Director Tex Houston: Front of House sound engineer Simeon Boyadjiev: Guitar & Bass tech Mike Hood: Stage Manager Alan Telfer: Stage & Props Rob Fitzpatrick: Media & Sponsor Liasion/ Theatre Front of House For the Otago Community Hospice Lyn Chapman: Fundraising Coordinator/ Concert refreshment manager

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