
The WEEKEND WARRIORS is popular 6 week community music & social program presented each year by Malcolm Dixon & respected Dunedin music retailer Beggs Musicworks. With the aim of getting “lapsed” musicians back into music, “Weekend Warriors” encourages any retired or semi-retired player to strap on his trusty guitar again and with the guidance of a “Music Mentor”, dust off his old Rock n’ Roll moves. Then with a group of other born again musos, form into 3 or 4 bands, with each putting a couple of sets together and rehearsing for 6 weeks before a Gala Concert at The Ra Café & Bar in Dunedin’s entertainment heart, the Octagon. Always popular with the older musicians, the event this year drew interest from younger players and featured “Melting Pot”, three young guitarists, Owen, Caleb & Zac and rock solid young drummer Dan. They were joined by Oxos Bailey on vocals & Big Al on keyboards & vocals while Marcel & Craig mentored the band.

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