
Labour Day weekend 2011: On behalf of Mike Chunn & The Play it Strange Songwriters Trust, Doug, Craig & Oxo drummer Huddy travelled south with a group of outstanding young NZ singer/songwriters to perform at the Fonterra 'SHOUT' Concert at Anderson Park Invercargill for the TV1 show 'A Kiwi Day Out'. The group included Kylie Price, Georgie Daniell & Bailey Wiley (Dunedin) .. Holly Arrowsmith & Jonny Mah (Queenstown) .. Kristin & Rita Macdonald (Tokanui) .. Eleanor Aldridge (Timaru) .. Georgie Northcoat (Christchurch) .. James Rea & The Kopa Family (Tapanui) & "The Heartleys" Taylor Cairns & Kayla Mahon (Gore) Also on the Bill were special guests Annah Mac & her excellent band & singer/songwriter Jason Kerrison from chart topping Kiwi band "OpShop".

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